Saturday, 17 August 2013

Sexy Cinema: Cashback

It's not an exploitation film, it's not a sexy horror film ... it's a British Rom-Com. That's right a Rom-Com - the hybrid word that inspires millions of blokes to baulk in repugnant horror, usually after hearing the answer to the question: "what sort of film should we pick, darling?"

Loveable loser, Ben () becomes an insomniac after splitting up with his girlfriend, Suzy (). To cope with his insomnia he becomes a worker in a late night Supermarket and finds himself attracted to doe-faced girl next door type, Sharon (). He competes for her affections and pursues his burgeoning art career. With the lead character being an artist we are treated to his opinion of female aesthetic beauty, this includes lots of female nudity.

Like many Rom-Coms, a lot of the jokes in Cashback are obvious and cheap, but the film has a surprisingly high hit rate with some funny moments. The comedy makes way for a fairly routine "will they, won't they" drama scenario towards the end. The photography is very pleasing and obviously capture the female form, and the poster is great - that is enough for me to consider it sexy.

Based on a short film of the same name. Readily available on DVD in most countries. It's well worth a look.

Ben does a few sketches


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