film seems to have been marketed as a romantic drama, it is actually a very wry comedy. Maybe the humour was too subtle for some viewers. It reminded of the far superior
The Rachel Papers, which summed up that
ennui period between teenage life and adulthood much more perfectly. In The Rachel Papers, Charles was putting on an act; pretending to be smarter and more sophisticated than he is to impress Rachel. In Don't Look Down, Eloy is a clumsy young man who works as a stilt worker or wearing a pastry costume to advertise products. He doesn't read poetry or listen to classical music to impress the attractive, Elvira. She seems to like him for who he is or maybe she sees him as a project. She teaches him a range of
tantric sex positions and techniques. It's nice to see a female in control in what is effectively a
sex comedy. The sex scenes are plentiful, but not hardcore. There is a fair amount of nudity and that does seem to be the films main selling point. Without the sex scenes I think it would have been ignored. The film's plot is pretty flimsy and while Eloy is an interesting character - a somnambulist dealing with bereavement, it's not enough to elevate this film above average.
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