Monday, 3 June 2013

Writer Stereotypes

I researched some of the stereotypes about authors, just out of morbid curiosity, rather than necessity. Here are the top ones:

They are loners
Not true! The majority of writers are very sociable people. It is harder to promote a book if you are unwilling to take part in interviews, conferences and book launches. With both fiction and non-fiction writing, a lot of the content comes from observing people, thus writers take an interest in people.

I think this stereotype may have been created based on the fact many writers like "quiet time" when writing - anyone who has written an essay, book, story or article will know that it is difficult to write if there is lots of distractions.

They are alcoholics and/or drug addicts
Some writers are notable for their drug or alcohol use - Hunter S. Thompson, William Burroughs, Irvine Welsh, Thomas De Quincy, Dylan Thomas - the list could be very long if I was to name them all. Whilst some authors may have benefited from making drugs a central theme in their works, it is certainly not true of all authors. There are many talented and successful writers that are Teetotalers. I think this stereotype is a mass generalization. It is worth noting, any creative field or occupation has its drug users.

They are bad at maths
I read this on numerous sites. I think it stems from the fact that some people can't accept that some people can be good at both creative and scientific subjects, just look at a polymath like, Leonardo Di Vinci to dispel this myth.

They like classical music
This one is bizarre. It may exist because some writers listen to relaxing or slower paced music whilst writing to inspire them or get them in the mood. It does not apply to all writers, but some writers obviously adore classical music; in the same way some love rock music, dance music or Bulgarian folk music.

If anyone has any more stereotypes, feel free to add them in comments. Happy writing.

Image: Portrait of Jean MiƩlot - Wikimedia Commons


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