Friday, 5 October 2012

In praise of free eBooks

I'm so happy that I no longer need to borrow books from the library to read unusual books for free. As much as I love libraries, many of their older books are often dog-eared or the book you want is always taken out. With eBooks this is not the case.

Some people don't like reading PDF or other format files, but with Kindle, Kobo, iPad and similar devices it's similar to reading a backlit hardback book. The same people who criticize new technologies are often the ones who don't have the vision to see the benefits - they're the same people who said the internet wouldn't catch on or that videogames were for kids!

Long story short; I've built up a decent sized collection of free, legal eBooks very quickly. Many by indie authors, first time writers and many with more originality than what's in the top 100 bestsellers chart in your local bookstore. There's also a few classic novels for free, for those wishing to catch up.

Amazon announced eBooks are outselling paperbacks in the UK this year (I think it was last year, eBooks outsold paperbacks in the US). MP3s outsell CDs and vinyl and have done for a few years now so, it was inevitable that eBooks would follow the trend. It's only a matter of time before most of our personal libraries are digital – I can't wait.

However you choose to read yours, support your favourite writers and book shops\eStores, because it takes blood, sweat, tears and other fluids to write a good (or bad) book.

Shameless plug alert
Don't forget my eBook, One Man and His Bot is free and always will be. Get it HERE if you've not already done so.


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